Press and Media
Inform yourself about the REGENA-Therapy (presently only in German language).
- Treat the organism with the help of homeopathy and detoxify it
This article was published in Wellness & Gesundheit Nr. 60 on July 2016.
To read this article (in German) use the following link: Treat the organism with the help of homeopathy and detoxify it
- Homeopathy: also with cough and asthma
This article was published in Wellness & Gesundheit Nr. 62, winter 2017.
To read this article (in German) use the following link: Homeopathy: also with cough and asthma
- How the homeopathy of the hepatitis comes to help
This article was published in Wellness & Gesundheit Nr. 63, spring 2017.
To read this article (in German) use the following link: How the homeopathy of the hepatitis comes to help
- Brain & Action: Fun training with a big effect
GesundheitsMosaik Nr. 1, 10 March 2017.
To read this article (in German) use the following link: Brain & Action: Spassiges Training mit grossem Effekt
- 50th anniversary of the REGENA (in the Kreuzlinger Zeitung)
This article was published in the Kreuzlinger Zeitung (newspaper), 21st June 2013 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the REGENA AG.To read this article (in German) use the following link: REGENA AG feiert 50-jähriges Jubiläum
- Organic farmers at REGENA’s
Lecture and exchange of experience in applying the REGENA-Therapy for farmland, plants and animals. Report in Tägerwiler Post No. 25, on June 20th, 2014.
To read this article (in German) use the following link: Biobauern bei Regena
- Rheumatic disorder
From a REGENA point of view a rheumatic disorder always bases on a dysfunction of the overall metabolism
Report in Tägerwiler Post No. 25, 20th June 2014.To read this article (in German) use the following link: Rheumatischer Formenkreis
- Detoxify with homeopathic complex remedies – “Gesundheitslounge”
TV broadcast in June 2014 on TV Berlin and Rhein Main TV (in German).
- Allergies (in German)