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Data Privacy Statement by REGENAPLEX® GmbH

We are pleased about your interest in our enterprise and our products and services respectively. It is important to us, that you feel safe in regards to your private data when using our websites. The protection of your private data is also important to us. We are in compliance with the data protection laws and the new EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) as a matter of course.

Private Data is information to your identity. This comprises, for example of name, address, telephone number, E-mail address. For the general use of our website, private data is not necessary. In case of use of our services, this data may be necessary to provide the requested service. This also applies for provision of information material and ordered products or for the answering of individual questions.

Inquiry of private data and transfer of this data to government agency or federal institutions entitled to receive information only takes place when in accordance with current laws or when legally obligated or adjudicated upon. Our employees are obligated to comply with the regulations of the Bundesdatenschutz (Federal Data Protection) and the EU GDPR.
We have taken technical and organizational security measures to protect your private data from unauthorized access.

We reserve the right to change our security- and data protection measures, when necessary due to technical development. Our information of data protection of private data will then be adjusted accordingly. We therefore recommend your taking notice of the actual version of our information.

This information does not extend to websites, our site is linked to. When offering links we try to make sure, that these also comply with our standard of data protection. However, we have no influence on compliance by other providers. We recommend you inform yourself about the standards of these providers by information provided on their web-site.

Feel free to contact us regarding your private data recorded by us at anytime.

We have updated our data privacy statement according to the EU GDPR of 25th May 2018 and added the following information:

1. Information regarding the collection of person-related data

(1) In the following we inform about the collection of person-related data when using our website. Person-related data are all data that are personally related to you, such as name, address, E-Mail addresses, user behavior.

(2)  Responsible according to article 4 (7) EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) is

REGENAPLEX GmbH – Homöopathische Komplexmittel
Opelstraße 5A
78647 Konstanz
Tel: +49 (0)7531 – 8926930
Fax +49 (0)7531 – 8926944

(3) When establishing contact with us via E-Mail or via a contact form, the data transmitted to us (you E-Mail address, as well as your name if applicable) are saved by us to answer your enquiries. We delete the data generated in this context after the saving is not relevant anymore or limit the data treatment, should there be legal retention obligations.

(4) Should we want to assign service providers for individual functions of our offer or use your data for promotional purposes, we will inform you in depth below about the respective processes. Thereby we will also show the determined criteria for the storage period.

2. Consent to the use of personal data for events and information on REGENA Therapy

We would like to inform you about the activities of the REGENA Group and the REGENA Academy Foundation, in particular about events such as seminars, webinars, working groups and information on REGENA therapy and the REGENAPLEXES. For this purpose, we store and use your personal data, such as your first and last name, address, email address, telephone number and, if applicable, your website.

Your consent to the use and storage of your data is voluntary and can be revoked at any time without giving reasons, either by telephone on +49 (0) 7531 892 69 30 or by email to

In the event of revocation, your data will be deleted for the purposes stated above with effect for the future.

We may also pass on your personal data to third parties if we offer participation in projects and events (e.g. seminars, webinars) or similar services together with partners (e.g. conference hotels). Data is only retained within the framework of legal obligations.

3. Your rights

(1) Regarding the relevant person-related data you have the following rights towards us:

  • Right of information,
  • Right of permission or deletion,
  • Right of limiting the processing,
  • Right of appeal against processing,
  • Right of data portability.

(2) Furthermore, you have the right to complain about the processing of your person-related data by us at a data protection supervisory authority

4. Collection of person-related data upon visiting our website

(1) If you are only using the website for information, meaning that you do not subscribe to the newsletter or transmit us further information, we only collect person-related data that your browser is transmitting to our server. If you want to visit our website, we collect the following data that are technically necessary for us to show the website and to ensure its stability and security (legal basis Art. 6 paragraph 1 S. 1 lit. f GDPR):

  • IP address
  • Date and time of enquiry, time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Abgerufene URL
  • Zugriffsstatus/HTTP-Statuscode
  • Transmitted data quantity
  • URL of the referred website (referer)
  • Browser incl. Language and version oft he browser software
  • Operation system and its surface  Oberfläche
  • Screen resolution

(2) In addition to the aforementioned data mentioned data, your computer is storing cookies when visiting our website. Cookies are small text files, which are stored on your hard drive by the browser that you use through which certain information can be transmitted to the place that is issuing the cookie (us in this case). Cookies cannot run any software or transmit viruses to your computer. Their purpose is to make the internet experience for customer friendly and more efficient.

(3) Application of Cookies:

  • This website is using the following types of cookies, which scope and functionality are explained hereafter:
    • Transient Cookies: Transient cookies are deleted automatically when you close the browser. Among these are the session cookies, which are predominantly in use on our website. These store a so called session ID, with which several enquiries of your browser can be attributed to the joint session. This allows your computer to be recognized when you return on our website. The session cookies are deleted when you either log out or close the browser.
    • Persistent Cookies: Persistent cookies are deleted automatically after a specified duration, which is different depending on the type of cookie. You can delete the cookies any time in the security properties of your browser.
  • You can configure your browser properties as you like and for example reject third-party cookies. Please note that you may not be able to use of the website’s functions.

5. Additional functions and offers of our website

(1) Besides the purely informative usage of our website we offer various services that you can use if you are interested. To do so you usually have to provide further person-related data that we use to provide the service in question. If additional voluntary details are possible, these are marked appropriately.

(2) We partly commission external service providers to process your data. These have been chosen by us with great care and commissioned in writing. They are obliged to adhere to our instructions and are controlled by us at regular intervals.

(3) Furthermore we can pass on your person-related data to third parties, if we provide project or event participation or similar services in collaboration with partners.

(4) In case our providers or partners have their headquarters in a state outside of the European Economic Area, we will inform you about its consequences in the description of the offer.

6. Contradiction or withdrawal of the processing of your data

(1) If you have given your permission to process your data, you can revoke that at any time. Such a withdrawal influences the admissibility of the processing of your person-related data once you have expressed it.

(2) As long as we base the processing of your person-related data on the balance of interests, you can object to the processing. This applies in case the processing is particularly not required for the fulfillment of a contract with you, which is described by us, which is presented in the respective following description of the functions. Should you exercise such a contradiction, we kindly ask you to present the reasons, why we shouldn’t process your person-related data as conducted by us. In case of your reasonable contradiction we will examine the situation and will either seize the data processing or adapt respectively or present you our compelling legitimate reasons as to why we will continue the data processing..

(3) Naturally, you can revoke the processing of your person-related data for promotion and data analytics at any time. You can inform us of your contradiction in advertising via the following contact data:

REGENAPLEX GmbH – Homöopathische Komplexmittel
Opelstraße 5A
78647 Konstanz
Tel: +49 (0)7531 – 8926930
Fax +49 (0)7531 – 8926944